Tuesday 28 April 2015

Traditional Sports in India: The Games of Indian Streets

India, the land of traditions, is a Nation that celebrates the conventions coming from diverged fragments. India is intensely enmeshed in the culture of regions and is entangled in the widely followed traditions and customs. The Nation is known for the unity in diversity. India is rich in the culture that has been taken by the Indian civilians from one generation to the other. India is stepping to the modernization and is evolving as a great power in front of the globe still the natives are intact with their traditions and the inhabitants can still be seen playing their traditional sports on the streets of the Nation. Indians are getting still involved in the traditional sports mark the sentiment of people still being affixed with their culture. Here are the few traditional sports of India that can make you close to the typical Indian era of playing. 

1.    Gilli Danda: One of the most played games of the generations; Gilli Danda is the amateur sport of rural areas and small towns. The natives that live in the country side and represent the real India, have always nurtured this game of two sticks. The game is played with the larger and smaller sticks. The larger one is known as the Danda and the smaller one is known as the Gilli. In the game, the player has to stand in a small circle; the player balances the Gilli on a stone in an inclined manner with one end of the Gilli touching the ground while the other end in the air. While it is in the air, the player strikes the Gilli, hitting it as far as possible. The best part of the game is that there is no official maximum number of player or team. The game belongs to the Indian Soil and depicts the Indian Culture. 

2.     Langdi: Langdi is traditional Indian Field Sport and is similar to the hopscotch. The game is played by the cherishing kids on the streets of India. The players of this game have to hop on one foot on the drawn lines on the ground. Langdi is known by the divergent names and it is a sport that is near to the Indian hearts. The Indian girls find the game more close to them as the game is known as their favorite sport to play in the evening.

3.    Kho- Kho: Kho-Kho is another game that comes from the Indian Soil. It is one of the two most popular traditional sports that come from the Indian Subcontinent, the other being Kabaddi. In the game there are two teams consisting of 12 players each, the rounds of chasing and running are done and the game is relished by the team members sitting in the Zig-Zag manner.  The game is very economical as it uses only a pole or a pillar followed by the lime powder and the watch for time measurement.

4.   Kite Flying: Kite flying and kite festivals are the major events of commemoration in India. Kite flying is an allured sport among the Indian Natives. The flying colorful papers tied with a thread rolled in a pinball depicts the astonishing wish of people to fly high in the sky. The sport brings the moments of joy among the Indian families. The fervor is seen in the sky when it is occupied by the colorful kites and it is indeed a feast to the eye.

5.      Lattu (Gaming Top): Babaram or Lattu is the game that is played by every growing child in India. The game is more popular among the boys and is remembered as the best childhood memories. In the game the toss is decided by the top being spun and picked up quickly. The tops that did not complete the toss will be placed in the center of a circle. The people who managed to finish the toss successfully try to spin the top over the tops. Each time the spinning tops have to be picked successfully to continue.

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